
    您当前位置:首页 > m6米乐在线官网 > 公司简介 >
           m6米乐在线官网,是一家专业设计制造安装环保设备的企业。公司自成立以来一直专注于环保事业,业务涵盖工业环保废气净化、环保粉尘净化等域, 为牛皮纸浆、炼油、炼焦、石化、煤气、粪便处理、肉类加工、水产加工、食品配料、香精、畜产加工、皮革、骨胶、油漆、溶剂、油墨印刷、医药等行业提供污染治理服务,在全国各地建立了数千个工程业绩,赢得了广大客户的信赖。具有丰富的实践经验。公司拥有大型成套生产加工设备,优良的生产设备与************的有机结合,保 证了我公司系列产品的先 进和质量。
            茗宏环保拥有多年从事环保设备研发的专业人员和安装制作人组成的核心团队,为您提供专业、具创新的设计及制作服务。公司成立以来,秉承“优 质服务、诚信为本”的宗旨,以客户需求为目标导向,不断学习,进取,优化和提高服务质量,公司向您承 诺—“您的满意 是我们的信誉”,我们将以饱满的热情和优 质的服务嬴得您的赞誉和支持。爱心,细心,耐心,责任心是我们的要求,尽心尽职,为您打造出创新、专业、完 美的设计方案,我们坚信先做人、后做事,用心对待客户,实行透明收费,人性化服务,本着对客户负责,更是对自己发展负责的态度,争取做到让每位客户满意。
          茗宏一如既往的本着: 诚信是金、创意为本、共赢发展的理念,为广大客户提供优 质、优价的产品,尽善、尽美的全程服务。

           Since the year of  2003, we started as a enviromental protection equipment manufacture in Chendu China. In the year of  2017, we updated the registered catpital to be 2,000,000 US$.  Now, the manufacture covers an area of 5500 square meters. The sales volume of our company has reached 3000000 US$. We have realized hundreds of project cases in China and southeast Asian countries.
            Since our inception into the market, we have been focused on the environmental protection industry, our business covers industrial waste gas purification, dust collecting field, for the manufactures of kraft pulp, oil refining, metallurgical, petrochemical, gas, waste treatment, meat processing, flavor, livestock, aquatic products processing, food ingredients, leather, bone glue, paint, solvents, ink printing, medicine and other industries to provide pollution control services. Through hundreds of projects, we owned the trust of our customers and very good reputation all over China.With rich practical experience. The company has a large complete set of production and processing equipment, excellent production equipment and high-tech organic combination, to ensure the advanced and quality of our products.
            Chengdu Minghong Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd has been engaged in environmental protection equipment r & d professionals and installation producers composed of the core team, to provide you with professional, innovative design and production services. Since the establishment of the company, adhering to the "quality service, integrity-based" purpose, to customer needs as the goal oriented, continuous learning, progress, optimize and improve the quality of service. Our promise to you is "your satisfaction is our credibility". We will be full of enthusiasm and quality service to win your praise and support. Love, careful, patience, sense of responsibility is our requirements, dedicated, for you to create innovative, professional, perfect design, we firmly believe that oneself first, after work, treat customers attentively, implement transparent charge, humanized service, in line with, responsible for the customer is responsible for their own development, strive to make every customer satisfied.
             Minghong environmental protection has a large number of skilled artistic creation team, they are graduated from elite universities, possessed combat experience,won very good reputation in the environmental industry.
            Minghong, as always in the spirit of: sincerity is gold, innovation oriented, win-win development concept, provides products with good quality, and perfect service to the customers society.
